我们的办公室致力于为bet365最新网址的学生提供优质的客户服务,提供各种金融服务, staff and faculty.
The Student Business Office is responsible for:
- 收取学费、托儿费和其他义务.
- 退款-处理您必须填写退款申请表. (Please use the link in the sidebar on this page)
- 学生费用减免-办理手续时,你必须填写一份减免表格. (Please use the link in the sidebar on this page)
- Student, Classified & 教师工资单-在这个时候,付款直接邮寄或通过直接存款发送.
- Scholarship tracking and processing.
Students can purchase:
- Student ID
- Clay receipts
Always keep your receipts as proof of payment and for taxes.
Campus Parking:
Virtual parking permits are available to be purchased online. All students, faculty, staff, 游客在购买停车许可证时必须登记车辆牌照.
所有车辆必须持有有效的虚拟学期或每日停车许可证, including motorcycles, parking on campus (except government vehicles). 宽限期可以在每学期bet365最新网址时实施. 每个司机都有责任了解并遵守VCCCD和加州车辆停车规则.
Hours Of Operation:
- Monday 8:30am-6:30pm
- Tuesday 8:30am-6:30pm
- Wednesday 8:30am-5:00pm
- Thursday 8:30am-5:00pm
- Friday 8:30am-12:00pm